Pengarang : Jim Butcher
Penerbit : ROC
Tebal : 372 halaman
Diterbitkan pertama kali : 1 April 2000
Format : Paperback
Target : Dewasa
Genre : Urban Fantasy
Bahasa : Inggris
Seri : The Dresden Files
Buku ke- : 1 (satu)
Status : Punya sendiri
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Web Pengarang : Click here
Order di : Open Trolley, The Book Depository
The novels of the Dresden Files have become synonymous with action-packed urban fantasy and non-stop fun. Storm Front is Jim Butcher's first novel and introduces his most famous and popular character-Harry Dresden, wizard for hire.
For his first case, Harry is called in to consult on a grisly double murder committed with the blackest of magic. At first, the less-than-solvent Harry's eyes light up with dollar signs. But where there's black magic, there's a black mage. Now, that black mage knows Harry's name. And things are about to get very...interesting.
For his first case, Harry is called in to consult on a grisly double murder committed with the blackest of magic. At first, the less-than-solvent Harry's eyes light up with dollar signs. But where there's black magic, there's a black mage. Now, that black mage knows Harry's name. And things are about to get very...interesting.
Beware, Harry Potter ! Karena ternyata sang bocah yang ditakdirkan melawan Lord Voldemort bukan satu - satunya penyihir bernama Harry. Alkisah, di kota Chicago, ada seorang penyihir yang bisa disewa keahliannya. Sang penyihir bernama Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden, berkat jasa bapaknya yang namain si Harry dengan nama 3 ahli sulap terkenal. Harry Houdini, Harry Blackstone Sr, dan David Copperfield. Si Harry ini g tanggung - tanggung dalam menyembunyikan profesinya sebagai wizard-for-hire, karena dia juga pasang iklan di semacam Yellow Pagesnya orang Amrik. Iklannya aja kayak gini :
“HARRY DRESDEN—WIZARD Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations.
Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates. No Love Potions, Endless Purses,
Parties, or Other Entertainment”
Tentu saja banyak yang menanyakan apakah Harry serius menganggap dirinya penyihir. Sayangnya Harry emang beneran penyihir. Dan penyihir yang cukup kuat.