Minggu, 22 April 2012

Cover Favorit Minggu Ini

Setelah sekian lama tidak posting tentang cover, kangen rasanya buat membeberkan beberapa cover yang menarik perhatian saya :D. Mulai sekarang, saya hanya akan mengulas sedikit saja tentang cover yang saya pilih, dan hanya mencantumkan tanggal rilis serta sinopsisnya. Untuk kali ini juga, karena saya jarang buka FB dan Twitter, saya kurang tau cover - cover baru terjemahan apa saja yang keluar :(. Semoga kedepannya saya bisa menyertakannya di post ini.

Archangel's Storm - Nalini Singh

Buku kelima dari seri Guild Hunter, yang sudah diterbitkan beberapa bukunya di Indonesia oleh Dastan. Menceritakan tentang Jason, mata - mata dan anak buah Raphael. Saya merasa aneh melihat ini cover, karena Jason terlalu berotot :/. Yang jelas, buku ini wajib beli buat saya ;D. 
Rilis tanggal : 4 September 2012
Sinopsis :
Enter New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh’s darkly beautiful world of archangels and immortal power, as a pact is sealed between two souls bound by blood, stirred by desire, and driven by vengeance…

With wings of midnight and an affinity for shadows, Jason courts darkness. But now, with the Archangel Neha’s consort lying murdered in the jewel-studded palace that was his prison and her rage threatening cataclysmic devastation, Jason steps into the light, knowing he must unearth the murderer before it is too late.

Earning Neha’s trust comes at a price—Jason must tie himself to her bloodline through the Princess Mahiya, a woman with secrets so dangerous, she trusts no one. Least of all an enemy spymaster.With only their relentless hunt for a violent, intelligent killer to unite them, Jason and Mahiya embark on a quest that leads to a centuries-old nightmare… and to the dark storm of an unexpected passion that threatens to drench them both in blood.

Bedding Lord Ned - Sally MacKenzie

Pembaca pasti sudah tahu kalau bukunya Sally Mackenzie sudah terbit di Indonesia. Yang belum tahu, Elex menerbitkan seri Naked karya pengarang ini. Bedding Lord Ned adalah buku pertama dari seri Duchess of Love. Yang saya suka? Kucingnya itu loh. Imut banget!! XD.Rasanya baru kali ini saya lihat ada cover historical romance yang ada binatangnya.
Rilis tanggal : 5 Juni 2012
Pleasure Is On Her Dance Card

Determined to find a husband, Miss Eleanor "Nell" Bowman attends a ball put on by the Duchess of Greycliffe, fondly referred to as the Duchess of Love. But she roundly dismisses the suitors the matchmaking hostess has invited on her behalf. For it’s the duchess’s dashing son Ned, Lord Edward, who long ago captured Nell’s heart—and roused her desire. All it takes is a pair of conveniently misplaced silky red bloomers to set the handsome widower’s gaze on this unusual girl who is clearly more than meets the eye…

After more than a year of mourning, Ned longs to finally start anew. At first glance, the birthday ball his mother has thrown in his honor is decidedly lacking in suitable mistresses. But he senses something unexpectedly alluring beneath the veil of Nell’s plain exterior— something she’s anxious to reveal, and the lonely Lord is incapable of denying..

Blood Vow - Karin Tabke

 Apa yang terlintas di benak saya saat melihat cover ini? Yap, lagunya Taylor Swift yang judulnya "Two is Better Than One". Saya menyebutnya sebagai solusi terbaik dalam cinta segitiga, dimana semuanya happy dan tidak ada yang terluka hatinya, ha ha ha :)). Blood Vow adalah buku ketiga dari seri Blood Moon Trilogy. Dan berhubung genre buku ini erotica, yang dibawah 21 tahun jangan baca ya :P.
Rilis tanggal : 4 Desember 2012
Sinopsis :
A volatile mix of both Lycan and Slayer, half-breed Falon is Alpha female of her pack, marked by rival Alpha brothers. But when she learns that she is the daughter of the Master Slayer who murdered Lucien and Rafael’s parents, the revelation throws her relationship with both brothers into chaos. Falon begs them not to condemn her for her father’s deeds. She realizes before her Alpha mates do that they are destined to be one and pleads with them to accept the unusual triangle. Now, if Lucien and Rafael cannot overcome their pride and accept their fate, the annihilation of the Lycan race waits within the shadow of the Blood Moon...

First Come Love - Katie Kacvinsky

Salah satu judul YA yang menarik perhatian. Dan covernya juga bagus sekali. Sepertinya YA ini YA drama kalau baca dari sinopsisnya dan mirip - mirip Perfect Chemistrynya Simone Elkeles.
Rilis tanggal : 8 Mei 2012
Sinopsis :
 Like his name, Gray is dark and stormy. Dylan, a girl always searching for what's next, seemingly unable to settle down, is the exact opposite: full of light and life. On the outside, they seem like an unlikely couple. But looks can be deceiving and besides, opposites attract.

What starts as friendship, turns into admiration, respect and caring, until finally these two lone souls find they are truly in love with each other. But staying in love is not as easy as falling in love. If Dylan and Gray want their love to last, they're going to have to work at it. And learn that sometimes love means having to say you're sorry.

Gunmetal Magic - Ilona Andrews

Dari semua cover di post kali ini, cover ini adalah cover terfavorit. Saya suka dengan tone warna cover, dan setting di belakang si cewek yang berbau dystopia. Pose modelnya juga keren sekali. Ini adalah cewek yang kamu tidak mau berurusan dengannya ;D. Gunmetal Magic adalah spin off dari seri Kate Daniels karya Ilona Andrews (yang kabarnya akan diterbitkan oleh Dastan di Indonesia)
Rilis tanggal : 31 Juli 2012
Sinopsis :
Some people have everything figured out — Andrea Nash is not one of those people. After being kicked out of the Order of Knights of Merciful Aid, Andrea's whole existence is in shambles. All she can do is try to put herself back together, something made easier by working for Cutting Edge, a small investigative firm owned by her best friend, Kate Daniels.

When several shapeshifters working for Raphael Medrano — the male alpha of Clan Bouda and Andrea's former lover — die unexpectedly at a dig site, Andrea is assigned to investigate ... and must work with Raphael. As her search for the killer leads her into the secret underbelly of supernatural Atlanta, Andrea knows that dealing with her feelings for Raphael might have to take a backseat to saving the world ...

Dan inilah cover favorit untuk minggu ini. Manakah cover yang menjadi favoritmu? Adakah cover yang menurutmu menarik dan belum saya sertakan disini? Kalau ada, silakan kasih tahu ya. Dan nantikan edisi selanjutnya di minggu depan!

2 komentar:

  1. Tunggu dulu, nga setuju aku kl jason jadian ama Neha, si dingin licik itu....>!!<
    *org yg bikin cerita, napa jg aku yg protes yaa...hahahaha

    Cover buku sally bagus yaa, kucingnya lucuuu...kyaaa
    *kaya nya salah fokus deh...hehehe^^

  2. Hello, pgn tau donk kalo blood vow dan buku2 sebelumnya sdh ada di indonesia ? Terbitan apa ? Yg sdh diterjemahkan krn inggris sy ga bgus. Tq


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